From Chaos to Clarity: Angie Torres’ Journey of Transformation
In the Lifeline program, we’ve witnessed countless lives changed through the power of faith, structure, and community. Angie, one of our participants, recently shared her incredible journey of transformation—a story of overcoming instability, addiction, and hopelessness to find true peace and purpose. Here’s what she had to say:
“My life was very unstable before coming to Lifeline. I am a person who has struggled with mental health issues since I was young. I started taking psych meds at the age of 4 and have been on and off of them my entire life. I never found stability, so I decided to take matters into my own hands and started doing drugs. I went through phases and cycles throughout the years. I was in and out of psychiatric hospitals, rehabs, and long-term facilities. I looked towards drugs, chaos, witchcraft, and even physical perfection, but nothing took away the sad feeling of confusion and hopelessness of who I was and what the point of anything was.
Lifeline changed my life. I’ve tried many different kinds of treatments, but nothing ever worked. Lifeline has given me so much; it has taught me self-discipline, structure, and most importantly, it taught me how to have a relationship with God. I can confidently say I have found my peace and stability. I am sober, medication-free, and I’m productive! I am in Phase 4 of the program, back in school, and shooting for a health science major. My goals are to get married, have a bunch of kids, and travel around the world, all while edifying the Kingdom of God.”
Angie’s testimony is a powerful reminder that no matter how far someone feels from hope, transformation is always possible. At Lifeline, we are honored to walk alongside participants as they rebuild their lives and step into the future God has planned for them.