Addiction Conquered, Dignity Restored

“I never thought one pill in high school could have led me to years of addiction. Abandoned in childhood. Ashamed of my life choices. Addiction was the only way I knew how to deal with life.” 

Melissa’s parents were trapped by their own addictions long before she spoke her first words. 

As she grew older, the turmoil in her home tore away at her innocence. Recalling her childhood, she said, “Violent fights, police raids, and chaos filled my house”.

Not able to change her lifestyle, Melissa’s mom eventually sent her to live with her grandma. However, Melissa couldn’t seem to escape the pain from her past. 

“My 10 year addiction to crystal, heroin, and fentanyl skyrocketed at the age of 18. Trying to numb myself, I started taking heavy drugs in high school.” Like so many others, her attempts at inner peace fell short, driving her to find ways to dull her feelings. 

“About once a year, I thought to myself, ‘I can’t believe I am going to die an addict.’” Melissa tried to change repeatedly, but could never last long. Thankfully, she didn’t give up and found transformation at Lifeline. 

“Lifeline taught me to center my life on God. My relationship with God has undeniably changed me and restored my dignity.” Melissa now enjoys time with her family including her mother and 8 year old son.

Lifeline works everyday to rebuild lives like Melissa’s. Join us in creating a legacy of hope and transformation that will impact generations to come.


From Chaos to Clarity: Angie Torres’ Journey of Transformation